In a world where transport has progressed from horses and carts to Teslas in a little over a hundred years, isn’t it strange that the classical classroom, a ubiquitous vehicle for most children, has remained unchanged and unchallenged for so many generations?

Hi, I’m Robert Michael Maher. For 20 years, I’ve dedicated my attention to studying and radically transforming the educational environments of thousands of children in Ireland and Bulgaria. I am on a unique trajectory of self-discovery, a beautiful and challenging process of decoding what I’m not and crafting who I choose to be. I believe extraordinary opportunities and my greatest value exist in the unexplored unknown and that only I can be the source of my questions and their deep personal meaning.

In Sofia in 2016, I set up a creative laboratory for children. As they acquired valuable skills and experiences in this non-classical environment, I listened closely, observed their behaviour, and relentlessly modified their classroom to satisfy and ignite their most profound and innate motivations. After thousands of observational hours and several years of analysis, my findings amazed and alarmed me.

The classical classroom remains unchanged because we are stuck inside an old survival game, a small and shrinking fishbowl. With the appeal of security, standardised education became a universal idea that seduced the masses to enter, trade and
dismember a family of valuable abilities that humanity had developed over hundreds of thousands of years. Without these abilities, most are either too afraid, unmotivated or powerless to imagine and navigate a way out. The old survival game is devouring our humanity.

Having identified and defined the inversion, I subsequently discovered and developed a tool, an elegant solution that can fit into everyone’s home to reorientate and educate both parent and child on how to retrain for an ancient yet futuristic game. A game that can help us remember and reestablish a commanding role and relationship with ourselves and our environment.

Exploration, time and space are prerequisites to discovering what we are not. Yet standardised education, like a fishbowl, can only perfectly fit a minority who are satisfied to occupy a small, safe and micromanaged space. For the rest, it’s a crude and often meaningless game that strips and scraps with impunity the innate wealth of responsible children whose potential resides on a unique trajectory and just outside its impenetrable and unforgiving boundaries.

These many children urgently need a healthier and competing signal to inform them they are not alone or mad and that, with great effort, they can discover their mission and belong to a community where their values are value
d and they are encouraged to grow and express their full potential. Otherwise, as I’ve observed, amnesia sets in. To survive, these children self-censor, make themselves smaller, and willingly extinguish the spark in their eyes in exchange for classroom status, community acceptance and an approved identity.

The Quantum Family is a necessary disruptive force designed to deliver a powerful experience in the safety of your home. It’s a key that can open a door that’s been closed in our minds for generations. When you walk through it, you’ll see, as I have, that institutions are just games that emerge when truth and opportunity converge in the vastness of our minds, and there’s plenty of room to design many, many more.


Copyright: The Quantum Family 2024.